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What to prepare (and share) beforehand?

  • Go through the list of your participants and all information they shared through your preparation survey and registration forms. Make your own rationale and adjustments based on the information provided, such as: country, devices, connection speed, accessibility needs, language(s), etc. Reflect on potential risks and accessibility adjustments you will have to make.
  • Plan early and have your session design, materials and final schedule ready and share them with your team.
  • Make the material accessible. Think about translation, interpretations, closed captioning that will be used. Also think about readability, contrast of image/letters, diverse formats (textual, visual, audio) and use simple language(s). Don’t use flashing images for your presentations.
  • Define the final schedule ahead of time to allow for proper planning. At least 3 weeks in advance would be ideal and share it with your team. Make sure the time of the event is set so that it works for participants in regards to their time zone, work, personal life, etc.
  • Share the schedule with your participants at least 5-7 days in advance, including the times expressed in various relevant time zone(s), so that they can plan if they want to attend and organize themselves. Minimise changes to the schedule.
  • Sending a “Readme” to participants before the event will help ensure the event runs smoothly and participants are aware of all relevant information, tools and technologies that will be used. You can include different materials in your Readme (agenda, list of tools that will be used, instruction manuals, etc.)
  • Practice technology in advance with your tech team, create a backup for your role and all relevant documentation
  • Consider offering a designated space/channel of communication for support
  • Prepare the space, language(s), material and pace to your participants’ access needs.
  • Set up a channel for communication with your team where you can communicate on issues relevant to the event while it is happening.
  • Think about your tactic on handling power dynamics within the group. Check Power Dynamics and Inclusion in Virtual Meetings.
  • Define consent, privacy and confidentiality protocols in advance